色戒,Life of Pi, 羅生門,Before sunrise, Before sunset, a clockwork orange, eyes wide shut, the shinning, tax driver, 東京物語, 桃姐,天水圍的日與夜, 談談情跳跳舞, 告白, miss little sunshine, war horse, Schindler's list,
La Pianiste, 買兇拍人, Dinner Game, The Orphanage, Red, White , Blue, 蜘蛛巢城, 無間道, 大紅燈籠高高掛, 紅高粱,brokeback mountain, the godfather,
Slumdog Millionaire, 黑幫有個荷里活, 黃昏清兵衛,
La vita è bella (一個快樂的傳說),Crash⋯⋯